Thursday, January 28, 2010

Christmas Cookies & Carolling!!!!

We had such a great time decorating Christmas Cookies for everyone!Even Mikki Jo got to help out ;)

Charity and Susan helping out! We had sooooo many cookies to decorate!
They turned out BEAUTIFUL!!!
Little Chefs!
Of course my kiddos were no where to be found during the group picture! ;)
Here we go carolling!
Ms. Flossie
Chad and Zoey
It was super cold, but so much fun!
Quincy and Jacie
Carolling at Mr. Troy and Mrs. Matties

Mrs. Mattie even had treats for all of us! She is the sweetest ever ;)
Carolling at Harlon and Susan Woods! Stella was a nice surprise;)
Our Little Caroller's!

We can't wait to do it again next year!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

We had a great time at the Ladies Ornament Christmas Party this year, but that's not to say that there were some that didn't make it, that were really missed. This is the one night a year that we all get to come out of our shells and show who we really are! ;o) There's stealing and conniving and conspiring going on, but it's all in good times. Can't wait till this years Party! It has already been scheduled so that we can all try to plan our other events around it. It will be December 3, 2010 @ Lesa Osborn's house.
We always have the best food!!!!No Peeking!!!Enjoying great food with wonderful friends!All of the beautiful gifts!Just some of the gals sittin' around waitin' to get started stealin'. There's nothing better than a wonderfully blessed home with amazing Christian Sisters!

It Is Better To Give Than To Recieve!!

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’
-Acts 20:35

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Kids Ornament Making Party 11/30/09

The kids had a Wonderful and CrAzY Time at the ornament making party this week. They just love getting together and building strong christian friendships together. They get along so well and look forward to each and every gathering. Notice that I stated earlier that it was crazy trying to organize a big group project, but the kids had no idea that it was chaotic. They just knew they were there with great friends having a blast. And that is all that matters to us parents! As long as the children are in good company having fun, that is all that matters when it comes to chaotic! ;) Plus their snowmen turned out super cute!! But we are going to have to work on the borax ornaments and figure out what went wrong with them. ;)

Santa's Helpers getting everything ready ;) The kiddos making their snowflake/anything they want ornaments ;)
Skylee working hard! Or just liking cutting ;)
Aiden and Kam deciding on what to make.

Dylan thinks, "So many choices I don't know what to choose!"

Griffin, Jacie and Quincy getting started!

Cash digging right in!

This was a messy one, but the kids liked it the messier it got ;)

Doss thought he was big stuff having permission to make a mess! ;)

Zoey and Charity working on her beautiful Snowman!

The beautiful outcome of our wonderful night!
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!
(But no Ice please!) ;)

This here is a Great Bunch of kids!
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
- John 15:13